Welcome to Trauma-Sensitive Yoga |MOVEMENT FOR EVERYBODY


Esther van der Sande

About Esther van der Sande

I'm a trained Somatic Psychotherapist, Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) Clinician and a qualified Yoga and Mindfulness teacher and practitioner. I'm working in the private sector and in the community sector in three areas for over 12 years. I practice in Yoga, Trauma Center Trauma-Sensitive Yoga (TC-TSY) and neuroscience of trauma and healing, and the pervasiveness of complex developmental trauma in today's young adolescents and adults.

Nieuwsbrief Maart 2022

© Zsolt Kudich / National Geographic Welkom bij de Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Nederland Nieuwsbrief Maart 2022 Wij zijn bedroefd over het nieuws van het zoveelste conflict, en willen een ogenblik stilstaan bij het onvoorstelbare lijden dat zo dicht bij velen van ons plaatsvindt. In één nacht is de wereld voor velen van ons veranderd, waardoor we [...]

By |2022-03-07T18:38:11+01:00March 7th, 2022|Articles|0 Comments

In conversation with… Esther van der Sande talks about her vision for a trauma-informed world

By Bronwen Firth Esther van der Sande is a somatic neuro-psychotherapist (MA), yoga and trauma therapist, TCTSY-facilitator, and a faculty member at the Centre for Trauma and Embodiment at JRI Boston and trainer & supervisor of the Certification Program of TCTSY. As a faculty member of the Yoga Therapy Institute, Esther teaches the ‘Trauma-Informed [...]

Your body changes as Autumn approaches, here’s what you can do about it.

The leaves are falling, colors turning and the weather’s about to change. And along with everything else that Autumn brings, your body will change too. Here’s how, and what you can do about it. More dry skin than usual Your skin might react to the changing of seasons, every time, and in Autumn the [...]

By |2021-10-29T14:34:26+02:00October 29th, 2021|Articles, Health & Wellbeing, Self-Care|0 Comments

Yoga found to be “game-changer” in treatment of sexual abuse-related PTSD in veterans

By Aine Doris | June 23, 2021 A study led by Emory University’s Ursula Kelly finds trauma-sensitive yoga programs just as effective, faster to work, and easier to complete than cognitive therapy.  Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a sizeable issue in the United States military, affecting approximately 20 percent of all Veterans. Among women, [...]

By |2021-10-06T14:27:45+02:00August 17th, 2021|Articles, Health & Wellbeing|0 Comments

“Black Lives Matter”

“Let this just not be another trend” Nesrine Malik is stating the importance of acknowledging actions outside of the courtroom that delivered some accountability of George Floyd’s death. Let’s all continue this work. On and off the mat: “The arc of the moral universe does not bend on its own. It is bent in [...]

By |2021-05-25T22:40:05+02:00May 25th, 2021|Articles|0 Comments

Yoga and the Roots of Cultural Appropriation

To the so many white people who practise yoga, please don’t stop, but please do take a moment to look outside of yourself and understand how the history of yoga practice in the United States is intimately linked to some of the larger forces of white supremacy. The origins of yoga can be traced [...]

What is Trauma-Sensitive Yoga? An Interview with Esther van der Sande

by Sophia Hengelbrok Esther van der Sande is the director of Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Nederland, somatic psychotherapist, EMDR clinician and a qualified yoga (500+ hrs), mindfulness teacher and practitioner. She guides her clients through their challenges, enabling them to emerge from the other side feeling renewed, strong, and ready to face the world on their own terms once again. [...]

Five Basic Principles of Trauma-Sensitive Yoga

Increasing and Decreasing the Intensity in Muscles When you experience unsafe environments and feelings of anxiety, it is possible that your muscles feel tense. Your body might be responding to your environments by tightening up more. During the practice of Trauma-Sensitive Yoga, it is a possibility that you may experience your muscles.

By |2021-02-17T16:30:12+01:00February 17th, 2021|Articles|0 Comments
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