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Trauma Sensitive Yoga

Leven in je lichaam met Trauma Sensitive Yoga

Mirjam, (niet haar echte naam) ademt langzaam in en uit voor enkele ronden eenvoudige adamhalingsoefeningen voordat ze moet stoppen. Beelden te eng voor haar om te beschrijven en overweldigend. Samen besluiten we om over te gaan op eenvoudige Trauma Sensitive Yoga oefeningen; Mirjam wordt zich bewust van haar spieren, merkt weerstand in haar lichaam op [...]

Here’s What Depression Does To The Body

When you think of depression, you probably think of it as a mental illness, but the truth is some of the most devastating effects of depression are physical. On the other hand, you may have experienced years of physical symptoms and never considered depression as a possible cause. We still don’t know exactly what causes [...]

Mastering the Art of Relationship Yoga

There's more than one way to stretch! When you hear the word “Yoga”, it’s likely that words like stretching, exercise, practice, flexibility, bending, and twisting come to mind. That’s because the primary association that most Westerners have with yoga has to do with the “on the mat” or physical aspects of the practice of yoga [...]

Terug in je kracht met Trauma Sensitive Yoga

“Trauma sensitive yoga is specifiek ontwikkeld voor mensen met een posttraumatische stressstoornis of mensen met een zogenaamd ontwikkelings- en complex trauma als gevolg van langdurige blootstelling aan traumatische ervaringen binnen het gezin of binnen een relatie”, vertelt Esther, oorspronkelijk counselor en psychotherapeut, gedreven. “Zij krijgen op een bepaald moment in hun leven vaak last van [...]

PTSD – The Definition of a Traumatic Event and How to Recognize the Signs

People often use the word "traumatic" in a general sense when they are describing very stressful life events. For example, the American Psychological Association (APA) defines "trauma" as a person's emotional response to an extremely negative (disturbing) event. However, mental health professionals define traumatic events in very specific ways. The guidelines they use have changed [...]

How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime

How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime Curing Illness by Focusing on Trauma Childhood trauma isn’t something you just get over as you grow up. The pervasive trauma of adverse childhood experiences are experienced by two thirds of the US population and are a direct cause of negative health outcomes. Paediatrician, Nadine Burke Harris, [...]

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