Welcome to Trauma-Sensitive Yoga |MOVEMENT FOR EVERYBODY

Health & Wellbeing

EMDR a powerful treatment for people who have experienced traumatic events in their lives.

What Is EMDR? Many clients, including the public and colleagues are asking me questions about EMDR treatment for complex trauma and PTSD. I thought I would take the opportunity this week to answer a few of the questions asked. EMDR has proven to be a powerful treatment for people who have experienced traumatic events in [...]

Can Trauma be Passed on through our DNA?

Learning to release trauma before we pass it on to the next generation PTSD is a whole-body tragedy, an integral human event of enormous proportions with massive repercussions. ― Susan Pease Banitt Intergenerational Trauma is the idea that serious trauma can affect the children and grandchildren of those who had the first hand experience, due [...]

The link between chronic pain and depression: which comes first?

There is a clear link between pain and depression, but does pain make us depressed, or does depression cause pain? It’s easy to imagine that people with persistent pain have cause to become depressed. After all, it’s a problem that affects every part of life, not just the bit that got injured. But like so [...]

Yoga: The Continuum of Embodiment

Written by Bo Forbes What does it mean to be embodied? And doesn’t yoga already take care of that? When we take a closer look, the answer might surprise us. Think of embodiment on a continuum. On one end we have exteroception, in the middle proprioception, and on the far end interoception. Each of these [...]

What is Interoception?

What is Interoception? Interoception is our ability to notice what you are feeling. This includes feeling if we you hot or cold, whether you are in pain, hungry or thirsty or even whether you feel happy, sad, safe or frightened. During Trauma Sensitive Yoga classes or private sessions clients will be invited to use simple body [...]

What is Trauma Sensitive Yoga

Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY) is an empirically validated, adjunctive clinical treatment for complex trauma or chronic, treatment-resistant PTSD. Developed at the Trauma Center in Brookline, Massachusetts, TSY has foundations in Trauma Theory, Attachment Theory, and Neuroscience as well as Hatha Yoga practice with an emphasis on body-based yoga forms and breathing practices.   What is Trauma Sensitive [...]

John Gottman on Trust and Betrayal He explains why trust is essential to couples and communities and how we build it.

  For more than 40 years, Dr. Gottman studied what makes marriages work. I’ve observed thousands of couples, and many of them—the masters—can skill-fully solve their problems. Yet many others get stuck in their conflicts. Even couples who attend one of my institute’s workshops or therapy sessions have a hard time putting what they learn [...]

Love in the age of loss: there are no rules to grief

It helps during these challenging years of our lives to accept that loss and sorrow are the natural order of things. By accepting loss, we can make the moments and relationships between richer and more meaningful. Recently I had a small issue on which I needed advice. I was ringing friends and relatives to have [...]

Claiming Peaceful Embodiment Through Yoga in the Aftermath of Trauma

Claiming Peaceful Embodiment Through Yoga in the Aftermath of Trauma. Please follow the link below to read the full article. Abstract: The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences of practicing yoga and its role within processes of healing for adult women with complex trauma histories. Using a hermeneutic phenomenological method, data were [...]

Defining Love in Today’s Fast-Paced World Why Love Depends on Shared Connection, Safety, and Mutual Care

  As you check out at the grocery store, you share a laugh with the cashier about the face you see peering up at you from the uncommonly gnarled potato in your basket. At work, you and your teammates celebrate a shared triumph with hugs and high fives. On your morning jog, you smile and [...]

By |2016-10-13T11:13:20+02:00March 21st, 2016|Health & Wellbeing|0 Comments
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