Trauma Sensitive Yoga Foundational Workshop September – Haarlem 2018 – SOLD OUT
28/Sep/2018 @ 17:00 - 30/Sep/2018 @ 18:30
| €395.00The Trauma Sensitive Yoga Workshop for September is fully booked.
Please contact Esther at info@traumasensitiveyoganederland.com to add your name on the waiting list, or enquire for our next workshop in March 2019.
Warm regards,
Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY) – 20 Hour Foundational Workshop
for Yoga Teachers & Mental Health Professionals
Location: Hart-Haarlem, Kleine Houtweg 18, 2012 CH Haarlem
Friday 28th, Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th of September 2018.
On the completion of this 2.5 half day workshop you will have achieved a thorough understanding of the core concepts of Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY).
And more importantly, you will have learned techniques that you can implement in your practice immediately, helping your clients’ improve their mental well-being along with the physical.
Our aim is to help as many individuals as possible through trauma, and teaching yoga teachers and mental health practitioners to support their customers through their own issues, is a great way of doing that.
Workshop outline:
History and Development of Complex Trauma
- Neurophysiology of Stress and Trauma
- Interpersonal Neurobiology
- Attachment, Attunement and Reciprocity
The Spectrum of Trauma
- Safety & Stabilization
- Processing Traumatic Memories
- Consolidation, Integration & Reconnection
Trauma Centre Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY)
- Interoception, Choice, Agency and Relational Safety
- Teaching Practice
- Responsible and Ethical Practice
- Trauma Informed Vs Trauma Sensitive
- Group brainstorm/discussion
- Clinical examples
If you would like to find out more, or if you would like to make your reservation now, please contact me directly on info@traumasensitiveyoganederland.com
This workshop is limited to 20 participants – and will be facilitated in Dutch.
€ 326,45 (excl. BTW) / 395.00 (incl. BTW) Early Bird until 20 August 2018
€ 415.00 (incl. BTW) Regular price from 21 August 2018
I look forward to seeing you soon.