Trauma-Sensitieve Samenleving door Esther van der Sande
In Trauma-Sensitieve Samenleving laat Esther van der Sande zien hoe we door medeleven en verbinding kunnen bijdragen aan genezing en herstel. Het boek combineert inzichten, persoonlijke verhalen en praktische tools om trauma te begrijpen, te erkennen en te helen – niet alleen individueel, maar samen als samenleving.
“Door medeleven ontstaat verbinding. Door verbinding ontstaat genezing.”
Het boek is vanaf eind januari verkrijgbaar bij alle bekende boekwinkels en rechtstreeks bij de uitgever Nobleman.
Trauma and Recovery (Trauma & Herstel) by Judith Lewis Herman
Judith Lewis Herman is an American psychiatrist, researcher, teacher, and author. She has focussed on understanding trauma and stress. Her book, Trauma and Recovery, is a helpful tool for understanding trauma and the recovery that can come from that.
White Innocence (Witte Onschuld) by Gloria Wekker
Gloria Wekker is a professor of gender and ethnicity at the University of Utrecht. Wekker explores in White Innocence the passionate denial of racial discrimination and colonial violence coexisting alongside aggressive racism and xenophobia in the Netherlands.
Overcoming Trauma Through Yoga by David Emerson and Elizabeth Hopper PhD
This book talks about why trauma-sensitive yoga can move beyond traditional talk-therapy. It shows how there can be a focus on the mind, by bringing the body actively into the healing process. Trauma survivors are now able to find a more positive relationship with their body through gentle movement and breath.
Trauma-Sensitive Yoga in Therapy by David Emerson
Emerson explains in this book how the treatment of trauma in talk-therapy is missing one crucial aspect: the body. How can we start to incorporate the body into therapy, in order to start the healing of the entire human organism, rather than just the mind? Mental health is more than just mental, claims Emerson. The book describes ways to introduce the body into traditional talk-therapy.
White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo
Robin DiAngelo is an American academic, who trained businesses on diversity for 20 years. She experienced a certain hostility from white people during some of these training when she spoke about race. This book talks about racial relations in the United States. “White fragility” is a term that DiAngelo coined in 2011, and explains defensive instincts or reactions that a white person might have when questioned about race.
The Body Keeps The Score (by Bessel van der Kolk)
Van der Kolk is a Boston based psychiatrist, who has spent years on research about the effects of trauma on people. Van der Kolk describes in his book how we’ve understood trauma through the years, and how we need to incorporate the entire organism into the healing processes and practices.
Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving by Pete Walker
Pete Walker wrote this book as a sort of all-encompassing logbook and diary, expressing his own experience with PTSD and Complex PTSD. He describes the bumpy road towards recovery and shows us the silver linings he discovered in the process.
The Dance of Anger by Harriet Lerner, PhD
This book is a New York Times bestseller that made a change for many people and their view on relationships. Harriet Lerner explores the role of anger, how we feel it, and how it can signal something that is worth listening to. Lerner also writes about the female experience of anger and how women are told not to feel it, let alone respond to it, resulting in silenced anger.
The Road Less Travelled by M. Scott Peck
Dr M. Scott Peck is a psychiatrist, and has written this book as an exploration of solving problems and avoiding doing so. He draws heavily on his own experience, and suggests ways in which we can face suffering and difficulties, ultimately reaching a higher lever of self-understanding. From there, he discusses love relations, and its difficulties of becoming one’s own person.
When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chödrön
This book, written by Pema Chödrön, is a best-selling classic on personal and spiritual growth. Its second title, Heart Advice for Difficult Times, describes this book perfectly.
Pema Chödrön is an American Tibetan Buddhist. She is an ordained nun, former acharya of Shambhala Buddhism and disciple of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche.
Beste lezers,
We zijn verheugd om jullie te informeren dat het boek “Traumaverwerking door Yoga” nu beschikbaar is voor aankoop en directe download in PDF-formaat via Beside Consulting.
Het boek “Traumaverwerking door Yoga” is niet langer gedrukt of verkrijgbaar in het Nederlands. We hebben daarom besloten om het boek exclusief als PDF aan te bieden, zodat het gemakkelijk toegankelijk is voor een breder publiek, waar ter wereld je ook bent.
Dit nederlandstalige boek biedt waardevolle inzichten en praktische tips over het gebruik van yoga als een helende tool voor traumaverwerking.
Door het kopen van dit boek draag je niet alleen bij aan je eigen kennis en welzijn, maar ook aan de ondersteuning van ons Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)-programma. De opbrengsten worden gebruikt om dit belangrijke initiatief te ondersteunen, dat gericht is op het creëren van een inclusieve en rechtvaardige omgeving voor iedereen.
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We zijn dankbaar voor je steun en we hopen dat dit boek niet alleen een waardevolle toevoeging zal zijn aan je eigen groei en herstel, maar ook bijdraagt aan het bevorderen van inclusie en gelijkheid in onze samenleving.
Met warme groet,
Team Trauma Sensitive Yoga Nederland