Certified TCTSY Facilitators.
We proudly present our facilitators, each skilled and qualified. Every one of them has successfully completed the 300 certification program, showcasing their dedication and expertise in the TCTSY method. Discover the power of our certified facilitators and let them guide you on a path of growth and healing.
TCTSY-Facilitators are practising in accordance with the Ethical Guidelines, reregistration
Welcome to the world of Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Nederland, where Esther van der Sande, a beacon of compassion and expertise, serves as its founder. Esther embodies the essence of healing as an experienced trauma therapist, organizational coach, trainer, and facilitator in yoga and meditation.
With a Master’s degree in somatic psychotherapy and a Bachelor of Science degree in counselling and applied psychotherapy, Esther brings a wealth of knowledge steeped in empathy and understanding. Her journey spans over two decades, traversing the realms of private, public, and community sectors, where she has dedicated herself to fostering the well-being of individuals and organizations alike.
Drawing from her expertise in trauma-sensitive yoga, neuroscience, and healing practices, Esther offers a nurturing sanctuary for those navigating the complexities of trauma, PTSD, workplace diversity, and organizational change. Her approach is as unique as it is tailored, guiding individuals and teams towards self-discovery and empowerment.
Through Beside Consulting, founded in 2020, Esther extends her mission to empower organizations in cultivating cultures of mental wellness and resilience. Whether delivering professional training or contributing to research projects, Esther’s commitment to healing and transformation shines brightly, illuminating paths of renewal and strength for all.
For more information, contact Esther by email, esther@esthervandersande.com, or WhatsApp: + 31 (6) 11 48 50 57.
Katia is originally from Canada and presently based in the Netherlands after having lived for more than 15 years in Kathmandu, Nepal.
She is a Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Facilitator (TCTSY-F), a Hatha yoga practitioner and dancer. Katia is also a Certified Dance Movement Therapist (DMT) with extensive work experience in various multicultural contexts. Her therapeutic work emphasizes the integration of movement and the body in both clinical and community-based settings. Her recent research work focuses on Dance Movement Therapy for resilience building among traumatized women refugees and asylum seekers. Katia collaborates with various NGO’s internationally to develop movement-based psycho-social care interventions for children and adults with a refugee background. Her recent work has taken her to Palestine, Uganda, Kenya, Greece, India and Nepal where she offers individual and group therapy sessions, develops Dance Movement Therapy education programmes, care for caregivers training and workshops on trauma and restoration. You can read more about her work on A Moving world or connect directly at amovingworldfoundation@gmail.com for more information on therapy and trauma-sensitive yoga classes. In the Netherlands, she collaborates with Esther van der Sande to offer TCTSY. Katia can offer therapy and classes in French, English or Dutch.
Contact Katia: amovingworldfoundation@gmail.com
Nicole has since moved to beautiful Sweden but also continues to teach in Dutch. Feel free to connect with her.
WhatsApp Nicole at +46 723 633 776
Originally from Sweden, Nicole moved to The Netherlands in 1995 and has spent the last few years travelling the world to get to know other cultures.
Nicole is a certified Yoga teacher. She has been teaching yoga in different countries on her travels. After teaching yoga in Africa her passion for teaching specialized yoga was born.
She completed special training for adapting Yoga and mindfulness practice in Prisons and other disadvantaged populations with James Fox, founder of Prison Yoga Project. After this, she completed her certification as a Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga Facilitator (TCTSY-F)
Nicole moved back to The Netherlands in 2020 and is starting to build up her dream to facilitate Yoga and share her passion for the mind-heart-gut connection.
Nicole is the Director of House of Body Wisdom stationed in The Netherlands, Zeeland, and Sweden where the focus lies on the connection between mind-heart-gut. She facilitates TCTSY sessions for trauma survivors with the Dutch TCTSY team.
Feel free to visit Nicole’s website: www.body-wisdom.se or contact Nicole directly through nicole@body-Wisdom.se to make a Private TCTSY appointment with Nicole.
Kathleen is a TCTSY-F in good standing who works with children, teens and adults in Hilversum, Netherlands. Kathleen is originally from Australia and has since lived in the USA and The Netherlands where she completed training in Vinyasa and Children’s Yoga as well as Trauma Centre, Trauma Sensitive Yoga.
Kathleen currently offers TCTSY and other yoga practices in schools across Hilversum and the surrounding area. Kathleen also offers private practices by appointment to groups and individuals. Kathleen offers space to practice TCTSY and also fun classes where all the elements of yoga are explored in a style appropriate to the participant’s age, developmental level and personality. Kathleen believes yoga is for everybody.
You can contact Kathleen through The Yoga Space or her website www.key-therapies.com
My name is Remi Hector born and raised in Germany, I came to the Netherlands, The Hague in 2013.
In Germany, I worked in the fashion industry, when I moved to The Netherlands and I started working in the real estate business and focused to support my family.
When I attended my first yoga class in 2008, I experienced a great impact on my body and mind. And soon became addicted to yoga. After practising yoga for many years, I was curious to learn more about yoga and started my teacher training.
Since 2016 I am a certified yoga teacher and was pleased to learn at Yagoy in Amsterdam.
I like to teach yoga in a class the way I would like to be taught myself. In my classes I like to create a safe space to discover yourself and let go of perfection. My focus is on listening to the body, receiving energy, and treating yourself with kindness.
My path led me to experience how yoga can play an important role in recovery and I began to research for myself. When I explored the theory of Trauma Sensitive Yoga and how the yoga lesson is structured, I knew I wanted to learn more.
I was excited to participate in the Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY) Teacher Training 2020, which I successfully completed this year.
To be a part of a community that encourages people to recover and explore their bodies – I feel grateful for it.
You can contact me at info@remeyoga.com or by phone at +31 645617938.
Elianne is connected to yoga in heart and soul. She was introduced to yoga in 2016 which, after having experienced a life-changing event, marked the beginning of her lifelong inner journey. She has studied and taught multiple forms of yoga and meditation: Ashtanga Vinyasa, Restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Ayurveda Yoga, and Children’s and Teens (Trauma Sensitive) Yoga. Elianne was introduced to Trauma Informative Yoga during her study of Yoga Therapy. It immediately stole her heart and she decided to dive deeper into it, leading to her recent certification as a Trauma Sensitive Yoga-facilitator.
Elianne leads (outdoor and yoga) retreats, workshops, immersions, training and courses in the Netherlands, Europe, Africa and Asia. She is a member of the management team of the Inner Peace Corps, an NGO which focuses on helping refugee women and teenage girls overcome their trauma. She works as a yoga teacher and yoga therapist from her own studio, at primary and secondary schools, companies and hospitals and regularly travels for Inner Peace Corps to refugee camps and other places with concentrations of homeless and internally displaced people. She is a mother of four children, and loves nature, animals, exploring the outdoors, gardening, cooking and travelling. Listening to the sounds of nature and (making) music gives her tremendous joy and creates a space of rest.
Elianne is passionate about discovering and learning from other cultures and eager to support a healthy balance of body, mind and soul by actively contributing her knowledge, experience and intuition in her yoga teachings and therapeutic work. Her personal mantra is: Live life. Time flies.
You may contact Elianne via: yoga4positivechange@gmail.com or 06-51798572
Hilda, van origine Servisch, is in Nederland opgegroeid. Vanaf haar achtste volgde ze de vooropleiding van de Nationale Balletacademie in Amsterdam. Hilda heeft een Master’s in Orthopedagogiek, ze is yoga therapeut i.o. en TCTSY-F. Zij heeft in de afgelopen 8 jaar voor verschillende middelbare scholen gewerkt als begeleider passend onderwijs en zorgcoördinator. Ze is gespecialiseerd in werken met zowel kinderen die ontwikkelingsmoeilijkheden hebben als kinderen die op hoog niveau presteren. Zij werkt momenteel als leerling zorgcoördinator voor de vooropleiding NBA.
Hilda incorporeert de trauma sensitieve aanpak in haar werk en gebruikt het om kinderen/jongeren in contact te brengen met hun eigen lijf en gevoel. Wanneer praten even niet gaat is samen bewegen een fantastische manier om het ijs te breken en de opgebouwde spanning los te laten. Zij vindt het belangrijk dat iedereen die bij haar komt zich veilig en gezien voelt en weet dat er altijd mogelijkheden zijn.
Zij zet zich in om TCTSY als complementaire therapie binnen scholen, klinieken, psychologen- en huisartspraktijken meer bekendheid te geven.
Inmiddels geef ik 12 jaar yogales. Door mijn ervaring als yogadocent werd ik me bewust van het helende vermogen van yoga en hoe het je kan helpen met het herstellen van trauma. Ik wilde het graag doorgeven en werd gemotiveerd om de TCTSY training te volgen. Inmiddels geef ik als Trauma Center Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Facilitator individuele lessen en hoop binnenkort te starten met groepen.
Cleo werkt ruim 10 jaar in de Jeugdzorg en heeft ruime ervaring in het werken met (jonge) vrouwen en mannen die te maken hebben gehad met geweld in afhankelijkheidsrelaties. Zij is geboren en getogen in Amsterdam. Ze is moeder van een inmiddels 25 jarige zoon.
Na haar HBO Maatschappelijk Werk en Dienstverlening is zij zich verder gaan specialiseren en heeft zij de Post-HBO Cultuur Sensitief Werker gevolgd en training op het gebied van Mensenhandel. In haar huidige baan is zij Aandachtfunctionaris Mensenhandel en geeft zij daarin trainingen. Naast haar werk heeft zij een yogaopleiding gevolgd. Momenteel werkt zij voor de Blijfgroep als onderzoeker bij Veilig Thuis.
Tijdens haar jeugd heeft zij een professionele dansopleiding gevolgd en kwam zij erachter dat dansen haar uitlaatklep was. Zo kwam alles samen toen zij stuitte op de opleiding Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga Facillitator. Zij geloofd dat helen van trauma door middel van het lichaam het pad is dat bij haar past.
In haar werk, waarin ze veelal met mensen werkt die getraumatiseerd zijn, zag zij dat sommige mensen niet gebaat zijn bij de gangbare therapieën, omdat het verhaal vertellen een stap te ver is. Daarnaast heeft zij een training ontwikkelt voor hulpverleners in de breedste zin van het woord, die te maken hebben met Secondair / Vicarious Trauma.
Cleo is initiatiefnemer van Healing Moves in Amsterdam en biedt individuele Trauma Sensitieve Yoga sessies voor mensen met Complex Trauma of PTSS aan en groepslessen. Daarnaast verzorgt zij de training Hulp voor Hulpverleners, zowel binnen als buiten organisaties.
Cleo heeft haar eigen bedrijf gestart Healing Moves, voor meer informatie kun je de volgende website bekijken

Website: https://www.jolienlesage.com/
E-mail: lesagejolien@gmail.com
Na een master Onderwijskunde (Pedagogische wetenschappen) en diverse opleidingen in weerbaarheid, ben ik sinds 2003 verbonden aan Blijf Groep, een organisatie die werkt aan het stoppen van huiselijk geweld. Als trainer weerbaarheid werk ik vooral met vrouwen, al dan niet met trauma klachten. De methodiek Sterk die ik ontwikkelde, is gebaseerd op psycho-fysieke weerbaarheid, trauma sensitief werken en lotgenotencontact. Ik begeleid ook groepen mannen, jongeren, ouderen en collega’s in het ontwikkelen van hun eigen kracht en het leren omgaan met grenzen.
In Zuid-Afrika, Ethiopië en Maleisië heb ik gewerkt met gehandicapte vrouwen en mannen in educatieve programma’s met betrekking tot sport, spel, zelfverdediging en empowerment. In Nederland heb ik vele nieuwe trainers opgeleid om les te geven in weerbaarheid, bv aan kinderen op de basisschool, jongeren en volwassenen met een handicap. Al meer dan 25 jaar train ik met veel enthousiasme martial arts (karate, taichi, aikido).
Voor mij is het belangrijk om deelnemers in TCTSY een veilige en toegankelijke plek bieden om te kunnen leren over zichzelf en te werken aan herstel. Als onderdeel van de TCTSY-NL biedt ik TCTSY lessen aan in Amsterdam. Contact opnemen met Pyrrha: E: pyrrhasingerling@gmail.com of T: 06-53658615
Laurence Gilliot recently moved back to Belgium after living in Thailand for 12 years. She worked for a Non-Governmental Organisation for 5 years, stimulating local conversations and responses, including DR-Congo, Mali, PNG, Philippines, etc. This exposure to different cultures has allowed her to deepen her understanding, compassion and non-judgment.
For the past 13 years, Laurence practices and teaches yoga and organized many retreats and Yoga Teacher Trainings in Asia, Europe and Central America. Besides her dedicated practice in mindfulness for the past 15 years, she also facilitates Dance Mandala, a movement meditation practice. In 2017, she got certified in TRE (Trauma/Tension Release Exercises) and started offering it to individuals and groups. She has been working in an Addiction Recovery Center in Thailand and more recently in Belgium, facilitating mindfulness, yoga, TRE and Dance Mandala. Laurence has the ability to adapt to the individual or group that she is working with, in order to best meet their needs.
Contact Laurence: laurencegilliot@gmail.com, +32 456 21 38 72
www.laurencegilliot.org (English) or www.laurencegilliot.be (French)
Good-Standing Practice
In order to maintain their ongoing supervisory relationship with Trauma Sensitive Yoga Nederland and The Center for Trauma and Embodiment, certified TCTSY facilitators (TCTSY-F) are required to meet established criteria for both professional development and integrity of their TCTSY practice. Only certified TCTSY facilitators (TCTSY-F) who are compliant with these standards are authorized by the Center for Trauma and Embodiment to represent themselves as TCTSY-F and to offer classes and individual TCTSY sessions.
Learn more Good Standing