Certified TCTSY Facilitators.

We proudly present our facilitators, each skilled and qualified. Every one of them has successfully completed the 300 certification program, showcasing their dedication and expertise in the TCTSY method. Discover the power of our certified facilitators and let them guide you on a path of growth and healing.

TCTSY-Facilitators are practising in accordance with the Ethical Guidelines, registration



Tineke DelvauxTCTSY-facilitator, Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT), MA-Psychology, Experiential Client-Centered Psychotherapist
TCTSY-facilitator, Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) , MA-Psychology, Experiential Client-Centered Psychotherapist
Location: Brugge, Belgium
As a psychologist and psychotherapist, I worked for the last 23 years in a general hospital in Bruges where I met a lot of clients with physical injuries, chronic diseases, trauma and pain.
Through the years, I learned to listen not only to their words and their stories but also to their signals and the language of their bodies. As I practised yoga myself, I became more and more aware of my own body. I felt the benefits of it and wanted to inspire and share the experience with others: I became a yoga teacher. To combine both, helping people suffering from pain, trauma and stress as a psychotherapist and sharing the re-connecting of the body in yoga, I became a Facilitator in Trauma Sensitive Yoga. Since 2022 I’m working in my own private practice Circumflexx where I focus on re-finding yourself in a safe place, where your wounds possibly can turn into power. I offer Psychotherapy, TCTSY, or combined. You are very welcome to meet me but even more welcome to meet yourself!
For more information, you are welcome to visit her website or email Tineke
Email: Tineke@circumflexx.be Website: www.circumflexx.be
Phone: + 32 (0) 499/82.62.63
Jeltje PeletierTCTSY-facilitator, Psychotherapeut en Yogatherapeut
TCTSY-facilitator, Psychotherapeut en Yogadocent
Location: Antwerpen, Belgium

I have always been curious about the human being: curious about the differences, but maybe even more curious about the sameness of all human beings. It was after an initial career as an interpreter and after travels around the world and living in different cultures, that I decided to make this my main focus in life. I started pursuing studies to understand more about being human: psychotherapy, life coaching, yoga therapy, a yoga teacher training. Becoming a TCTSY facilitator is the latest layer of what I would describe as my journey of learning and growing, in which each layer of new learning seems to only hold when the layers underneath have ample stability.

Originally from the Netherlands, I now live in Belgium and have my private therapy practice in the center of Antwerp.

Ik ben altijd nieuwsgierig geweest naar het mens-zijn: nieuwsgierig naar de verschillen, maar misschien nog wel nieuwsgieriger naar de gelijkenissen tussen alle mensen. Na een aanvankelijke carrière als tolk en na vele reizen over de wereld en leven in verschillende culturen, besloot ik dit tot mijn belangrijkste focus in het leven te maken. Ik begon studies te volgen om mij verder te verdiepen in het mens-zijn: psychotherapie, life-coaching, yogatherapie, een opleiding tot yoga docent. TCTSY facilitator worden is de laatste laag van wat ik zou beschrijven als mijn reis van leren en groeien, waarin elke laag van nieuw leren alleen bruikbaar lijkt als de lagen eronder voldoende stabiliteit hebben.

Ik kom oorspronkelijk uit Nederland, maar woon nu in België en ik heb mijn privé-therapiepraktijk in het centrum van Antwerpen.

For more information/voor meer informatie:
www.jeltjepeletier.com Mobile: +32485911426 / email: jeltjepeletier@live.com

Jolien LesageTCTSY-facilitator, yoga teacher & therapist, social worker, cultural anthropologist
TCTSY-facilitator, yoga teacher & therapist, social worker, cultural anthropologist
Location: Leuven, Belgium
Jolien has always been fascinated with the mind-body connection. Her curiosity led her on a journey from Belgium to Tanzania to India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. After working with street children and researching indigenous healing modalities in Tanzania, her focus moved East. Jolien has been exploring yoga, its philosophy, and its healing capacities for the last ten years. After teaching internationally, she moved back to her native Belgium to facilitate trauma-sensitive yoga and yoga therapy as holistic healing modalities for mental health. Jolien is excited to share with you a practice that is empowering, non-coercive, and that invites you to connect with your body in the present moment at your own pace. She facilitates both individual sessions and group classes in Dutch and English.
For more information, you are welcome to visit her website or email her.
Laurence GilliotTCTSY Facilitator, Registered Yoga Teacher, TRE Provider
TCTSY Facilitator, Registered Yoga Teacher, TRE Provider
Location: Grez-Doiceau, Belgium

Laurence Gilliot recently moved back to Belgium after living in Thailand for 12 years. She worked for a Non-Governmental Organisation for 5 years, stimulating local conversations and responses, including DR-Congo, Mali, PNG, Philippines, etc. This exposure to different cultures has allowed her to deepen her understanding, compassion, and non-judgment.

For the past 13 years, Laurence practiced and teaches yoga and organized many retreats and Yoga Teacher Training in Asia, Europe, and Central America. Besides her dedicated practice in mindfulness for the past 15 years, she also facilitates Dance Mandala, a movement meditation practice. In 2017, she got certified in TRE (Trauma/Tension Release Exercises) and started offering it to individuals and groups. She has been working in an Addiction Recovery Center in Thailand and more recently in Belgium, facilitating mindfulness, yoga, TRE, and Dance Mandala. Laurence has the ability to adapt to the individual or group that she is working with, in order to best meet their needs.

Contact Laurence: laurencegilliot@gmail.com, +32 456 21 38 72
www.laurencegilliot.org (English) or www.laurencegilliot.be (French)

Julie BocquetTCTSY-facilitator en therapeut
TCTSY-facilitator en therapeut
Location: Ronse, Belgium
Na het behalen van haar master in de Criminologische wetenschappen ging Julie met volle overtuiging in de hulpverlening gaan werken. Het lijden van anderen verzachten, werd haar missie.
Vanuit haar nood aan meer diepgang in haar gesprekken, koos ze er tevens voor een vierjarige therapieopleiding te volgen.
Ze geeft sindsdien individuele therapie en relatietherapie, in de verslavingszorg en in haar eigen praktijk. Toch botste ze vaak tegen de limieten van gesprekstherapie waardoor ze op zoek is gegaan naar meer lichaamsgerichte therapieën. Haar grote passie in haar vrije tijd is altijd yoga geweest, ze beoefdende in de loop der jaren verschillende stijlen.
Toen ze het bestaan van TCTSY leerde kennen, was ze meteen enthousiast. Het kunnen combineren van haar werk en haar passie werd een droom die in vervulling ging. Doordat ze zelf in haar vrije tijd de therapeutische effecten van yoga ondervond, gelooft ze heel sterk in de meerwaarde ervan bij traumaoverlevers. Ze geeft les aan groepen en geeft individuele sessies. 

Contact Julie: +32 471 56 87 01 info@insideout-ronse.be

Julie Schamp (she/her/hers)TCTSY-facilitator, M.A. Pedagogical Sciences/pedagogue, M.A. Sexology/sexologist, PhDs in Special Needs Education
Location: Gent, Belgium
Julie is a Trauma Center Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Facilitator (TCTSY-F). She holds a Master’s Degree in Educational Sciences and in Sexology. She is also qualified in ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy). Julie has spent over ten years doing research and working alongside people with a history of or current alcohol or drug dependency. For the last few years, she has been practicing yoga and Bikram yoga and became more and more passionate about it.

Feeling that there was more to supporting people than purely cognitive or behavioral approaches, she began to explore the role of the body in supporting people. She received her certification as a TCTSY-F in 2021 and has since been teaching trauma-sensitive yoga. She has facilitated spaces for groups including women and men in recovery from substance abuse and is coordinating qualitative research looking into the benefits of TCTSY for people in recovery.

She welcomes inquiries from anyone who might like to practice with her or discuss research opportunities on TCTSY. She is eager to work alongside counselors, therapists, GPs, and clinical psychologists to offer TCTSY to people with multiple traumatic life experiences and/or substance dependency.

Contact Julie (+32 476 334 664) or by e-mail: Julie.Schamp@gmail.com

Julie HubrechtTCTSY-facilitator and Yoga Therapist
Location: Gent and Deinze, Belgium

Als lichaamsgerichte therapeut ondersteun ik mensen bij het verwerken van onverwerkt trauma en chronische stress in het lichaam en zenuwstelsel. Traumaverwerking begint bij het reguleren van het zenuwstelsel. Emoties worden opgeslagen in het lichaam en kunnen alleen verwerkt worden als we de sensaties durven toelaten en ruimte geven.

Mijn aanpak richt zich op het bewust ervaren van deze emoties en sensaties. Dit stelt je lichaam in staat om tot herstel te komen. Bij Praktijk Lijf combineer ik diverse lichaamsgerichte technieken met EMDR, wat zorgt voor een integrale benadering van trauma. Ik help jou om opnieuw contact te maken met je lichaam en emoties, het innerlijke kind te omarmen, en te werken aan onverwerkt trauma. Door middel van meditatie, ademhalingstechnieken, en geweldloze communicatie creëren we een veilige ruimte voor jouw proces. We richten ons op shared experience en trauma-sensitieve benaderingen, waarbij keuzevrijheid centraal staat. Deze keuzevrijheid stelt je in staat om autonomie en bestaansrecht te ervaren, wat je helpt om effectief grensbepaling te oefenen.

Daarnaast integreren we focusing technieken om je te begeleiden bij het ervaren en reguleren van je sensaties. Dit alles draagt bij aan de regulatie en het herstel van je zenuwstelsel.

Website: praktijklijf.be en info@praktijklijf.be

Talen: Engels en Nederlands | Languages: English and Dutch