Letteke SwartjesTCTSY Facilitator, Yoga Therapist, Yoga Facilitator, Cultural Anthropologist, Social Worker
Location: Langeraar, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands

My name is Letteke Swartjes. I was born in Arnhem and now living and sharing yoga in Langeraar, a small village between Alphen a/d Rijn and Amsterdam.

Yoga and meditation came into my life in my 20s. As I was struggling with many facets of life, it provided me tools to deal with trauma and physical and emotional pain.

For more information about me and the sessions I offer, you are welcome to visit my website (in Dutch) or contact me by mail, phone or whatsapp.

https://lettekeyoga.com | Email: lettekeyoga@hotmail.com | mobile : 06-41200876

Rani DamsteegtTCTSY Facilitator, Social Work Teacher, Therapeutic Foster Caregiver, Yoga and Mindfulness Teacher, Certified Yoga Teacher, Certified Mindfulness Trainer (MBCT)
TCTSY-F, Master’s degree in Child and Adolescent Psychology,
Location: The Haque, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands

My name is Rani Damsteegt, and I am from the Netherlands, living in the Hague close to the beach. I have felt a deep connection to yoga and mindfulness since starting my own yoga practice in my early teenage years. I am a certified yoga and mindfulness teacher, and hold a master’s degree in Child and Adolescent Psychology with a specialization in developmental disabilities.

As a Social Work teacher at a university of applied sciences, I currently teach several courses related to psychopathology, therapeutic skills, domestic violence and trauma to future social workers. Additionally, I work as a therapeutic foster caregiver for children coming from a background of child abuse and neglect. I provide a trauma-sensitive parenting approach to the children and teenagers living with me and my family. Working primarily with (early childhood) complex trauma, I have found that trauma-sensitive yoga can be incredibly empowering. I believe that all people would benefit from a trauma-sensitive environment that allows you to feel secure, and enables you to connect with your true self.

Rani offers TCTSY and trauma-informed yoga to children, teenagers, and adults, as well as to individuals with developmental disabilities. She is able to facilitate both group and individual classes, in Dutch and English.

You are welcome to contact Rani by email: ranidamsteegt@gmail.com

Lotte Hamelink TCTSY-F, dans en yogadocent, mindfulness-trainer
TCTSY-Facilitator, Registered Dans en Yoga, mindfulness trainer
Location: Delft/Den Haag, The Netherlands

Lotte heeft na haar yoga docententraining ervoor gekozen om zich te specialiseren in TCTSY, omdat het zo goed aansluit bij waar yoga voor haar over gaat. Lotte beoefent yoga om in contact te zijn met haar lichaam en behoeftes, en op deze wijze goed voor zichzelf te kunnen zorgen.

Als overlever van complex trauma heeft ze zelf ervaren hoe yoga en mindfulness kunnen bijdragen aan herstel na trauma. Als facilitator hoopt ze overlevers van (complex) trauma een veilige plek te bieden om hen met behulp van TCTSY te kunnen ondersteunen bij hun herstelproces.

Lotte biedt TCTSY live en online, zowel individueel als in een groep.

Je kan Lotte bereiken via:
www.mindfulherstel.nl | email: info@mindfulherstel.nl

Remi HectorTCTSY-F, Certified Yoga Teacher
TCTSY-Facilitator, Certified Yoga Teacher
Location: The Hague, The Netherlands

My name is Remi Hector born and raised in Germany, I came to the Netherlands, The Hague in 2013. In Germany, I worked in the fashion industry, when I moved to The Netherlands and I started working in the real estate business and focused on supporting my family.

When I attended my first yoga class in 2008, I experienced a great impact on my body and mind. And soon became addicted to yoga. After practising yoga for many years, I was curious to learn more about yoga and started my teacher training. Since 2016 I am a certified yoga teacher and was pleased to learn at Yagoy in Amsterdam.

I like to teach yoga in a class the way I would like to be taught myself. In my classes, I like to create a safe space to discover yourself and let go of perfection. My focus is on listening to the body, receiving energy, and treating yourself with kindness. My path led me to experience how yoga can play an important role in recovery and I began to research for myself. When I explored the theory of Trauma Sensitive Yoga and how the yoga lesson is structured, I knew I wanted to learn more. I was excited to participate in the Trauma-Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY) Teacher Training 2020, which I successfully completed this year.

To be a part of a community that encourages people to recover and explore their bodies – I feel grateful for.

You can contact me at info@remeyoga.com or by phone at + 31 645617938.

Elianne van Waalwijk van DoornTCTSY-F, Registered Yoga Teacher, Ayurveda Nutrition and Lifestyle Yoga Coach, member of the management team NGO Inner Peace Corps
TCTSY-Facilitator, Registered Yoga Teacher, Ayurveda Nutrition and Lifestyle Yoga Coach, member of the management team NGO Inner Peace Corps
Location: Voorschoten/Wassenaar, The Netherlands

Elianne is connected to yoga in heart and soul. She was introduced to yoga in 2016 which, after having experienced a life-changing event, marked the beginning of her lifelong inner journey. She has studied and taught multiple forms of yoga and meditation: Ashtanga Vinyasa, Restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Ayurveda Yoga, and Children’s and Teens (Trauma Sensitive) Yoga. Elianne was introduced to Trauma Informative Yoga during her study of Yoga Therapy. It immediately stole her heart and she decided to dive deeper into it, leading to her recent certification as a Trauma Sensitive Yoga-facilitator.

Elianne leads (outdoor and yoga) retreats, workshops, immersions, training and courses in the Netherlands, Europe, Africa and Asia. She is a member of the management team of the Inner Peace Corps, an NGO which focuses on helping refugee women and teenage girls overcome their trauma. She works as a yoga teacher and yoga therapist from her own studio, at primary and secondary schools, companies and hospitals and regularly travels for Inner Peace Corps to refugee camps and other places with concentrations of homeless and internally displaced people. She is a mother of four children, and loves nature, animals, exploring the outdoors, gardening, cooking and travelling. Listening to the sounds of nature and (making) music gives her tremendous joy and creates a space of rest.

Elianne is passionate about discovering and learning from other cultures and eager to support a healthy balance of body, mind and soul by actively contributing her knowledge, experience and intuition in her yoga teachings and therapeutic work. Her personal mantra is: Live life. Time flies.

You may contact Elianne via: yoga4positivechange@gmail.com or 06-51798572